New Arrival
September 5th, 2017We have some exciting personal news to share with you that happened while we were off over the long weekend. Tim is the first member of the band to become a father! Tim and Sarah welcomed their new daughter Olivia into the world last week and both baby and mom are doing wonderfully. If you’re curious about how long it took to pick out a baby gift for the Oxfords, the answer is very. I don’t really know my way around a Toys R Us and I was told that babies don’t appreciate Keg gift cards as much as I do?
If you saw us over the last couple of weeks and thought “I sure don’t remember Tim having a full, rich, moustache and a sweet nose ring?” you were not wrong. Our friend Jordan Gautheir filled on drums while Tim was away from the band. Not only is Jordan a talented drummer, he is also a talented drum-builder: if you’re in the market for a drum kit check out his tubs (I’ve heard drummers call them tubs) at YC Drums.
We couldn’t be more excited about the new arrival to our extended family and are looking forward to being un-official uncles. Mike is gonna teach her how to drive standard (he’s the only one of us who knows how), I’ll be taking her out for froyo (obviously), and Anthony is going to teach her about the terrors of far-right political movements percolating under the surface of almost every western democracy (follow him on twitter if you don’t believe me). Hopefully Tone doesn’t break out that last one till she’s a bit older.
All the best to anyone starting school for the year and whether you’re at work, study or play this fall hope to see you all at a show soon!