Chicago and Cleveland
June 13th, 2017
We’re back in Hamilton/Toronto while we get ready to play the Much Music Video Awards this Sunday. As kids who grew up in Canada during the 90s, playing the MMVAs is something that will make our 1997 selves feel very excited and our 2017 selves feel very old (but also excited). Don’t think Tony won’t give Niall a lecture about the good old days – when boy bands where made in America and not overseas.
Last weekend we were in the USA playing in Chicago at the House of Blues and Cleveland at the LaureLive Festival. We’ve been to Chicago a whole mess of times in the last year. As Max has mentioned many times from the stage or in the pit (it seems he’s spending more and more of the show in there), every show gets better and better. We’re making plans to head back this fall. Thanks to everyone who’s come out and become part of our Chicago family. We love you as much as we love your city’s wonderful pierogis.
Friday night in Chicago also marks the first show in years where the band didn’t play Leather Jacket. In the heat of the moment (read: equipment malfunctions), we strayed from the set list and in calling audibles instead of following the original set, left out the most requested song. It was an accidental omission and not a Bob Dylan-inspired attempt at credibility. We wish we were as cool as Bob. We had a great (although slightly more sunburnt) time at LaureLive Saturday afternoon and just like the Cavs, we will be back soon.
We also received some great news today. Morning Report was long-listed for the Polaris Prize. As Canadians, we are very blessed to be part of a diverse musical community that is consistently producing inspiring, imaginative and entertaining records. We live in a country that is punching far above it’s weight musically. It’s an honour to be mentioned alongside any and all of the other artists on the list. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the amazing Canadian musicians that we get to call our friends and peers. Even though we’ve never stopped calling ourselves your fans.